A downloadable game

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Welcome to Barbaria! It is a savage world of weird super science and black magic sorcery, where sword and sandal meets rayguns and power armor.

In the year 1940, a rogue planet, Tachyon, caused the near total destruction of our world. Now, out of the bubbling chaos of 3 millennia emerges Barbaria! Ruled by the nightmarish Sorcerer Kings and Queens (they themselves utilizing both weird magics and powerful super science), and oppressed by roving bands of savage raiders, cannibal mutants, and the ravening hordes of the hungry undead. And then there are the hapless few tribes who see fit to try and settle away from these dangers. You are one member of these tribes, and you are now tasked to do quest for them. With nothing more than a ramshackle motor rig, you set off. Whether to save your tribe (and quite possibly the rest of the world) or to deny your tribe and fight to become the next Sorcerer King or Queen. The choice is yours...

Barbaria is a Lasers & Feelings Hack that is imspired by Conan the Barbarian, the TV shows Thundarr: The Barbarian and Korgoth of Barbaria, and a little bit of Dungeon/Mutant Crawl Classics from Goodman Games.


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